Dr. Wolfgang Wybranietz

Dr. Wolfgang Wybranietz

Head of Corporate Finance M&A Frankfurt

Wolfgang Wybranietz joined the former DZ BANK M&A team in 2001 and has been part of the Frankfurt team of the Corporate Finance / M&A department ever since.

Since 2019, he has been Head of the Frankfurt M&A team. Wolfgang is responsible for the healthcare (pharma, biotech, medtech, clinics, nursing homes), chemicals and agriculture sectors and has successfully advised a large number of clients over the past 20 years.

Before joining DZ BANK, Wolfgang Wybranietz worked in basic medical research and spent 6 years working on virus vectors in the treatment of liver cancer.

Wolfgang Wybranietz received his diploma in biochemistry from the University of Tübingen and subsequently completed his doctorate at the Medical University Hospital in Tübingen. As part of his studies, he spent a year in San Francisco and Berkeley and during his doctoral thesis at the Marie Curie Institute in England.

Despite his advanced age, Wolfgang Wybranietz regularly enjoys squash in his private life and rarely avoids political discussions.